
The ELI Inkubator project will take place at Brandenburg Univeristy of Applied Sciences (THB) in 2024 and 2025 and is funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) as part of the UAS.International programme.

The project's primary objective is to significantly enhance the internationalisation of existing degree programmes, thereby making them more appealing to international (exchange) students. Additionally, it aims to equip THB students with not only subject-specific knowledge but also English-language and intercultural skills. As part of the expansion of the English-language teaching programme, the efficacy of various didactic models, cooperative teaching formats with international university partners and digital processes will be evaluated and integrated. In the long term, the quality and scope of the English-language teaching programme should be enhanced to the extent that it will be internationally and regionally competitive, thereby facilitating further development steps.

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This Project is funded by the German Academic Exchange Service with funding from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)