Zentrum für Internationales und Sprachen
Our current list of degree programmes can be found here.
Anyone who wants to study in Germany needs a university entrance qualification (in German: Hochschulzugangsberechtigung=HZB). For German students their Abitur (which is the highest school leaving certificate in Germany) is the HZB. As an international student, you must find out if your school leaving certificate/university entrance qualification is equivalent to the German Abitur.
You can check this using uni-assist or the anabin database.
To be admitted to our German taught degree programmes you need to prove C1 knowledge of the German language by passing a recognised language exam. You can find detailed information here.
You do not have to prove any knowledge of German to be admitted to our English taught degree programmes. However, at least a basic knowledge of German is highly recommended for everyday life in Brandenburg.
For some degree programmes taught in German, you will need additional English language skills, which you will have to prove: Business & Informations Systems Engineering M.Sc.: B1, Security Management M.Sc.: B2, Digitalisation and Management M.Sc.: B2.
For the English taught degree programmes Interactive Media M.Sc. and Mechanical Engineering M.Eng., you have to provide proof of English language skills at B2 level. (You do not have to prove any knowledge of German to be admitted. However, at least a basic knowledge of German is highly recommended for everyday life in Brandenburg.)
Which certificates are accepted for which degree programme you can find out here.
For Business & Informations Systems Engineering B.Sc., B1 English language skills are strongly recommended. However, you do not have to provide any proof.
Every semester, we offer the preparatory German course DeutschPlus, which leads from B2 to C1/DSH2 level.
Our federal state of Brandenburg does not offer a Studienkolleg. Instead, there is a similar option called Study Preparation Brandenburg (SVB) (Studienvorbereitung Brandenburg / SVB), which takes place at the University of Potsdam for various universities in our federal state.
The SVB final exam is only valid for admission to one of the universities in the federal state of Brandenburg. Please apply via uni-assist by 15 July for the degree programme that you wish to study at THB after completing the SVB.
More information can be obtained from the International Office website.
If you have already studied for at least 2 years in your country, you can apply for the same degree programme or a similar one in Germany. Check the anabin database or uni-assist to determine if you can be directly admitted to study at a university in Germany. If you already have a bachelor´s degree, you can apply for all bachelor’s degree programmes.
This decision always lies with the department. To do this, you submit an application that is reviewed by the examination board. You can find more information and support here. Please contact Annik Arzouyan for more info.
If you don´t come from the EU or certain other countries, you need a student visa or a prospective student visa to study in Germany. More information you can find here.
Our university would like to offer refugees who had to interrupt their studies or were unable to take them up due to their escape the opportunity to study. More information you can find here. If you have any questions please contact Nadin Meyer.
No. The state of Brandenburg does not charge tuition fees. Technische Hochschule Brandenburg (THB) charges a semester contribution, which is approx. 320 EUR. The semester ticket (public transit pass) is included in this contribution. However, there may be additional fees for certain master’s degree courses and correspondence (distance) courses. Current information you can find here. If there are any questions please contact Nancy Kolberg.
The cost of living in Brandenburg is under 1000 EUR per month.
The Studierendenwerk West:Brandenburg offers a hall of residence on our campus. The cost of a room at the student hall ranges between 310 EUR for a single room dormitory with shared facilities and 370 EUR for a single-occupancy apartment. For more information, please click here.
Please apply early for the student hall of residence. If you do not receive an offer, the International Office can send you an up-to-date list of offers from housing corporations and private landlords.
Complete the online application for a room in our student residence as early as possible. If you do not receive an offer there, the International Office will be happy to send you a list of current offers from housing associations and private landlords.
If you are enrolled at our university, the semester ticket is part of your student ID, which means you will receive it automatically.
Official authentication is the confirmation (date, stamp/seal and signature) of the authenticity of a photocopy of a certificate by an authorized body.
Here you find a video. (To watch the video in your language, select your language at the top right.)
Germany: The following public bodies may provide official authentication: Municipal administrations, county administrations and lower administration authorities, e.g. local mayors and officials, city administrations (city hall), district authorities, courts and notaries.
Other countries: The following bodies are authorized to provide official authentication: the diplomatic missions of the Federal Republic of Germany and authorities and notaries authorized to provide official authentication in the respective country.
Please do not submit any originals!
You should first visit the resident’s registration office (Einwohnermeldeamt) and the foreigners' registration office (Ausländerbehörde).
After you have arrived in Germany, you should register at the resident’s registration office in your city within 14 days. For the registration, you will need your passport as well as the tenancy (rental) agreement for your new housing or your room at the student’s hall of residence.
We reccomend that you apply for a residence permit at the foreigners' registration office (Ausländerbehörde), about 3 months before your visa expires, as it may take up to 8 weeks for the permit to be issued.
The application for a residence permit must be presented in person at the foreigners' registration office. You will need the following documents for the application:
After entering Germany, you must register at the relevant registration office (Bürgeramt, Einwohnermeldeamt – usually located in the town hall) of the city in which you live within fourteen days. To register, you will need your passport and the rental contract for your new apartment/room in a student residence.
Every student in Germany must have health insurance. This means that for a student to be registered or enrolled at a German university, he/she must present proof of valid health insurance.
Students can take out insurance at the statutory health insurance fund of their choice. The statutory health insurance providers have special student policies which cost about 120 EUR per month for health and private long-term care insurance.
The student health insurance is only valid until the end of your 14th semester or until you reach the age of 30. After that, the insurance cost increases.
With your student residence permit, you are allowed to work 140 full-time days or 280 half-time days within a calendar year.
See further details in the brochure Job regulations for international students in Germany.
A database of sponsoring organisations can be found on the DAAD website.
Our university awards scholarships as well. Please contact Annik Arzouyan for more info.