Zentrum für Internationales und Sprachen
The student services organisations in Germany take care of students' social, cultural and financial matters. The German Studierendenwerk provides a wide range of information specifically for international students, from applying for a study place to arriving in Germany and taking exams.
By the way: The Studierendenwerk West:Brandenburg is responsible for THB students.
The DAAD is a kind of club in which almost all state universities in Germany are members and which organises exchanges between universities in Germany and the rest of the world. International students can find information about study programmes, scholarships, research opportunities, application procedures and life at German universities on these pages and here.
The Higher Education Compass of the HRK (German Rectors' Conference) also provides comprehensive information about studying in Germany and is aimed at all applicants, not just international applicants.
Tip: Use the University Compass database if you are looking for a degree programme in Germany. You can enter various criteria such as location (Brandenburg, Berlin, etc.), language of instruction (German, English, etc.) or degree (Bachelor's, Master's, etc.).
‘Studying in Germany’, the Land of Ideas - an initiative of politics and business - also informs international prospective students about study opportunities, application procedures and scholarships (see also Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/study.in.germany_land.of.ideas/ ).
What ideas actually come from Germany? Take a look for yourself in the Walk of Ideas.