Brandenburg Univeristy of Applied Sciences (THB) is dedicated to advancing internationalisation through strategic initiatives. In 2022-2023 and 2024-2025, the univeristy successfully secured two consecutive projects aimed at transforming our institution's global engagement. These projects focus on developing a comprehensive internationalisation identity and enhancing the international dimension within our existing degree programs. By fostering a global perspective across our curricula, we are committed to equipping our students with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in an interconnected world.

The project ELI-Incubator focuses on expanding and improving English-language teaching through innovative didactic models, international cooperative formats, and digital processes. The long-term goal of the project is to enable international teaching cooperation, enhancing the quality of the university's degree programs, and equipping all students with valuable global competencies.

The project Inter³DNA: InterDisciplinary - InterNational - InterActive advanced the university's internationalisation by achieving three key goals. It developed a university-wide strategy, deepened strategic collaboration with innovative teaching, and established and strengthened international partnerships for sustainable academic cooperation. These efforts embedded internationalisation into the university's identity.