Contacts in the Centre of International Relations and Languages

Office Hours
Dr. Annett KitscheHead of the Centre for International Relations and Languages, Internationalisation, English lecturer in the Department of Business and Management, language courses at THB0049 3381 355 217annett.kitsche(at)th-brandenburg.deMO, FR
Christina StromExchange semester, Internships abroad, Summer/Winter Schools, PROMOS, ERASMUS+0049 3381 355 287christina.strom(at)th-brandenburg.desee here
Nadin MeyerCounselling of prospective students, applicants, refugees0049 3381 355 125nadin.meyer(at)th-brandenburg.deDI, MI
Katharina ZobelGerman course Deutschplus0049 3381 355 268katharina.zobel(at)th-brandenburg.deDI, MI
Morten Hunkeinternational exchange students, study success0049 3381 355 296morten.hunke(at)th-brandenburg.deMO, DO
Heike Wolffinternational students, (teaching) staff mobility, ERASMUS+, STIBET, international cooperations0049 3381 355 104heike.wolff(at)th-brandenburg.desee here
Anika Kettelhakeproject "ELI-Incubator"0049 3381 355 816anika.kettelhake(at)